Saar Academy of Music - HFM
Saar Academy of Music - HFM
Saar Academy of Music - HFM
Saarbrücken has become a renowned centre of science. Six universities (the Saarland University, the University of Applied Sciences (HTW), the Saar Academy of Music and the Academy of Fine Arts (HBKSaar), to name a few) with 20.000 students make Saarbrücken an important university and research town. Both the vicinity to Luxembourg, Trier, Metz, Nancy, the Western Palatinate and the close contacts with the research facilities there have a strong impact on the science centre of Saarbrücken.
Hochschule für Musik Saar
Bismarckstraße 166111 Saarbrücken
+49 681 96731-0
+49 681 96731-30
Universität Lesesaal - LHS
Universität Lesesaal - LHS
Universität Lesesaal - LHS
The Saarland University offers a wide range of courses in a variety of different subjects and has gained international recognition in a number of fields: the Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Sciences was chosen for funding twice by the Excellence Initiative and both the Graduate School of Material Sciences and the Graduate School of Biomedicine have earned acclaim for their research.
Universität des Saarlandes
Campus66123 Saarbrücken
+49 681 302-0
DFKI – German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence - LHS
DFKI – German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence - LHS
DFKI – German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence - LHS
New start-up companies specialising in the high-growth technology sector have been clustering around the town’s first-class universities and research centres. The DFKI – German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence is located in Saarbrücken and is one of the leading business-related research centres in the field of innovative software technology in Germany. It is also internationally recognised as a centre of excellence in its field. The Max Planck Institutes for Computer Sciences and for Software Systems are also first-rate academic institutions and have attracted international attention for their scientific papers, development of software systems and support of young talents. The Fraunhofer Institute for Non-Destructive Testing and the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Europe are also located on the Saarland University campus. The latter institution is aimed at strengthening cooperation between Korea and Europe in the field of basic scientific research and technological innovation. The number of IT companies headquartered in the state capital of Saarbrücken is growing steadily and new fields of activity such as Nano-and Biotechnology are being introduced to secure the industry of tomorrow.