Saarbrücken Castle
Vor dem Saarbrücker Schloss wird der bundesweite Denkmaltag eröffnet. - Landesdenkmalamt
Vor dem Saarbrücker Schloss wird der bundesweite Denkmaltag eröffnet. - Landesdenkmalamt
Vor dem Saarbrücker Schloss wird der bundesweite Denkmaltag eröffnet. - Landesdenkmalamt
In the 17th century the castle was rebuilt in the style of the Renaissance, but later destroyed and now only the cellars of this construction remain. In the 18th century Prince Wilhelm Heinrich had his architect Stengel build a new Baroque residence on the same site. Since then the castle has suffered various bouts of destruction and was partially burnt down and reconstructed before being thoroughly and magnificently renovated in 1989. The architect Gottfried Böhm designed a state-of-the-art central block of steel and glass. The castle is now both an administrative centre and a venue for cultural events, conferences and festivities.
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